网络释义 1. 生灭过程 运筹学名词词典 ... 排队系统 Queuing system生灭过程Birth-death process)有权l ij ...|基于12个网页 2. 生死过程 出生死亡过程,birth... ... ) death course 死亡过程 )birth-death process生死过程) birthrate and deathrate 出生率与死亡率 ... ...
Np = np.array([N]) # 记录不同时间的种群数量 while t < T and N>1: 产生下次出生或死亡的等待时间 tau = np.random.exponential(1/(birth_rate(N)+death_rate(N))) t = t + tau# 更新当前时间判断此次事件具体是出生还是死亡 U = np.random.uniform(size=1) if U < birth_rate(N)/(birt...
birth and death process 美 英 un.生死过程;生灭过程 网络以生死过程 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 生死过程 2. 生灭过程
birth and death process 英 [bɜːθ ənd deθ ˈprəʊses] 美 [bɜːrθ ənd deθ ˈprɑːses]网络 生灭过程; 生—死过程; 生死过程
(2) the probability of a birth (death) occurring in the "small" interval of time, ( t , t + dt ), given that the process was in state n at the start of the interval, is λ n dt + o ( dt )[μ n dt + o ( dt )], where o ( dt ) is a function going to 0 faster ...
By applying the quasi birth and death process and matrix geometric solution, the necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the stationarity of the system and the loss probability of the first kind of customers. 使用拟生灭过程和矩阵几何解,给出系统稳定的充分必要条件,第一类顾客消失概率、第...
1)birth-death process生死过程 1.The stochastic exponential growth model and birth-death process model were established to analyze the extinction risk and population viability with detected data of wild Pere David\'s deer populations.利用野放麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus种群检测数据建立了随机指数增长模型与生死...
pure birth process 纯生过程,纯增加过程 pure death process 纯灭过程,纯消过程 at birth 在出生时 by birth adv.在血统上,生来 相似单词 birth n.[U] 分娩,出生 death n. 1.[C]死; 死亡 2.[U]生命的终止; 死亡的状态 3.[U]死神 4.[U]终止; 毁灭 process n.[C] 1.过程,进程 2....
k k+1 The state transition-rate diagram of the general Birth-Death process Numbered circles = states = number of packets in system Arrows = possible transitions = change in number of packets in system Arrow labels = transition-rates between states λk = birth-rate when process in state k ...
网络释义 1. 生灭过程 运筹学名词词典 ... 排队系统 Queuing system生灭过程Birth-death process)有权l ij ...|基于12个网页 2. 生死过程 出生死亡过程,birth... ... ) death course 死亡过程 )birth-death process生死过程) birthrate and deathrate 出生率与死亡率 ... ...