DEATH ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Start Jan 1930 Mar 1856 Aug 1870 Mar 1856 Jun 1842 Dec 1838 Jul 1853 Sep 1841 Earlier records NSW - SA NSW - - NSW - Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Death place Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...
Declaration:IdeclarethattheinformationIhaveprovidedistrueandcorrect.IunderstandthattheWARegistryofBirths,DeathsandMarriages maymakeenquirieswithanyorganisationorindividualtoverifytheinformationprovidedwiththisapplication. SIGNATUREOFAPPLICANT Signaturemust becompleted ...
Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Genealogy resources: birth, death, cemetery, history, marriage and military.
Sacramento California, "Sacramento Bee" newspaper 1859, Obituaries, Marriages, Births California Birth Index, 1905-1995an index to over 24.5 million births occurring in California between 1905 and 1995 California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980includes birth, marriage, and death...
UK maternity policy advocates a choice of birthplace in an obstetric-led unit (OU), a midwife-led unit (MLU) or at home. Although robust evidence supports the safety of birth in midwife-led settings, particularly for women with uncomplicated pregnancies,
All signs point to her death as a suicide by overdose on 13 July 1954 in Mexico City at age 47. The last words in her diary are a list of people she thanked, and the lines "I hope the leaving is joyful - and I hope never to return." ...
Family : Relationship : Number of Marriages (Three)Family : Parenting : Kids noneLifestyle : Financial : Rags to richesPassions : Sexuality : Bi-Sexual (Allegedly)Passions : Sexuality : Extremes in quantity (Many lovers)Personal : Death : Unusual (possibilities of accidental overdose or homicide...
If she became pregnant during this time, this was a sign of unfaithfulness on her part, and she could be stoned to death by the Mosaic Law (cf. Deut. 22:23,24). The consummation of the marriage would occur when the bridgegroom went to the home of the bride and took her to his ...
Baron Maurice heavily invested his fortune in the United States, and upon his father’s death, Baron Edmond reportedly inherited a billion francs (about $200 million). Although he remained a French citizen throughout his life, he spent his childhood in Switzerland after his father had been ...
Family : Relationship : Number of Marriages Family : Relationship : Stress - Extramarital affairs Family : Parenting : Kids more than 3 Family : Parenting : Kids -Traumatic event Lifestyle : Financial : Gain - Financial success in field Lifestyle : Home : Expatriate Personal : Death : Illness...