is an animated film created to inform youth, ages 11 to 18, of the various forms of birth control available. The film provides factual information on different hormonal(including emergency contraception) and barrier methods, thier instructed uses, and potential side effects. There is no assumption...
After overcoming the initial shock of seeing a birth control side effect being discussed so openly, the wording on one of the dentist’s websites jumped out at me. This sentence in particular gave me pause: “As progesterone and estrogen fluctuate, it can result in certain symptoms that repli...
BirthControlAccess to Minors Section 1: |Method |How it is Used |Failure Rate |Risks & Side Effects | |Abstinence |No sexual intercourse and no type of |0% |No Side Effects | | |contact between the maleand female | | | | FreeBirth controlPregnancySexual intercourse ...
Birth Control BirthControlAccess to Minors Section 1: |Method |How it is Used |Failure Rate |Risks & Side Effects | |Abstinence |No sexual intercourse and no type of |0% |No Side Effects | | |contact between the maleand female | | | | ...
Starling females, who were injected with stress hormones, had a higher proportion of female chicks than control females. Starling mothers had equal sex ratios in eggs laid but most of the male embryos died before hatching and the ones that hatched had low immune response and low survival, ...
A male birth control pill has been 10 years away for the past 50 years. Are women just being conned?
American Bwth Control Leagus Inc ) EDITORIAL CONTENTS PACE 235 An Important Paper at the World Population Confer e n e e - ~ r Leans on B ~ r t h control-Two Pioneers- Annoyance by Arrest T H E BIOLOGY 00 POPULATION GROWTH by Ray 236 mond Pcnrl Part I of Dr Pearls paper at the...
BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW ( C o m h t 1929 Amertcan Brrth Control League, Inc ) a STELLA HANAU Edttor Edatorurl Board ANVIE G PORRITT Chotrman JAMES S H BOSSARD PH D MARY SUMNER BOYD FRANK H HANKINS Pn D C C L I T T L E Sc D KENNETH MACGOWAN Publtthed on the jirrt of the...
Birth control, family size and educational stratification: Evidence from the Han and ethnic minorities in China This paper investigates the unexpected impact that enforcing birth control policies in China has upon the educational stratification between the Han majority, the policy target group, and ethni...
(for contraception as well as other uses) have been suffering side effects for 60 years and counting,dating back to the clinical trials of the first birth control pill in the 1950s. Why shouldn’t men have to endure some moodiness and zits in order to shoulder a little more of the ...