: any of various pills usually taken every day to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation Medical Definition birth control pill noun variants also birth-control pill : any of various preparations that typically contain a progestin (such as norethindrone or levonorgestrel) either alone or in com...
Define Birth control pills. Birth control pills synonyms, Birth control pills pronunciation, Birth control pills translation, English dictionary definition of Birth control pills. n. Any of various pills containing estrogen and a progestin, or a progesti
Define birth control pill. birth control pill synonyms, birth control pill pronunciation, birth control pill translation, English dictionary definition of birth control pill. n. See oral contraceptive. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lang
The meaning of BIRTH CONTROL is deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation (as by use of birth control pills, IUDs, condoms, coitus interruptus, vasectomy, or tubal ligation) : contraception —sometimes hyphenated before a noun. How to use birth
a drug, technique, or device used to deliberately control or prevent conception (often used attributively): Diaphragms were a common form of birth control long before the invention of contraceptive pills. Vasectomies are growing in frequency as a birth control method in many countries. ...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Birth Control Pills: Birth control pills are oral contraceptives that are taken by females to prevent pregnancy. They are a method of contraception, which refers to any de
Birth ControlAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Birth Control: Birth control pillsBirth Control A measure or measures undertaken to prevent conception.In the 1800s, temperance unions and anti-vice societies headed efforts to prohibit...
•Manyfeministswere also interested inbirth controlas anissuealthoughdiscretiondictateda publicsilence.•They includebirth controlpills, other ovulation suppressors and long-actinghormones.•Today's methods ofbirth controlmake it possible for acoupletochoosewhether or not to have a child.•During ...
Related to birth control: Birth control pillsbirth control birth control, practice of contraception for the purpose of limiting reproduction. Methods of Birth Control Male birth control methods include withdrawal of the male before ejaculation (the oldest contraceptive technique) and use of the condom,...
Post-birth control syndrome refers to the symptoms that arise when you stop taking hormonal birth control, including irregular periods, mood swings, and more.