Combo pills have benefits beyond birth control. They help regulate your period and lessen cramping. They can lower your risk of certain cancers. They might clear your acne. Two brands (Beyaz, Yaz) are approved to treat a severe form ofpremenstrual syndrome. Most of them use between 20 and ...
That figure has remained steady since 1982, according to the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention. But, its popularity isn’t completely owed to the drug’s pregnancy-preventing abilities. More than half of pill users cite additional benefits (such as relief from heavy periods, cramps, ...
The pill has benefits beyond birth controlBy Malcolm Potts
By taking the pill at the same time every day, you maintain a steady level of the hormones in your body, making it a very effective form of pregnancy prevention. With typical use, the pill is about 91% effective. With perfect use, it's over 99% effective. Birth control benefits and s...
转机发生在去年十月,丹麦发表了几乎是第一篇受科学界认可的关于birth control和depression相关性的文章[1] 。实验室里另外三个女生和我讨论起这篇报道,我们中一个是因为基因缺陷需要长期服用hormonal药物,一个是曾经短期服药并已停药,一个是我属于短期服药还未停药,另一个女生没有服药的需求,两个服过药的女生都...
有希望了。birth control应该不用说了吧?注意避孕的不同说法;pill是药片或药丸(包括胶囊);trial是实验;non-hormonal是非激素的(这很重要);pregnancy是怀孕、妊娠;mice是老鼠(小白鼠,[憨笑])。 如果避孕效果真能达到99%,那是相当可以,另外属于男用的口服药,也会有相当的支持者吧。
or various other conditions. Decreasing the hormonal dosage hasmitigatedsome side effects, and further research has demonstrated some benefits, such as the prevention of certain kinds of tumour growth. Possible links between hormonal contraceptives and cancer or infertility have been the object of study...
Benefits of Birth Control for Acne Severalclinical trialshave shown that taking combination birth control pills can result in: Decreased acne flare-ups Fewer pimples Lessinflammation Less severe acne Many women with severe acne take oral contraceptives with other acne treatments. For women who also wa...
这里小编要再敲一次重点了,Birth control pill在美国是处方药,必须在咨询过医生后,在医生的建议下合理用药哦,可不能全凭自己的喜好随随便便的买来就吃(那可就是drug abuse了)。国内也有许多短效避孕药品牌,像妈富隆,优思明一类,且因为国内药物管制不够严格,这些药品即使去药店也能自己买到,在这里,小编可是强烈反对...
Some women have side effects with the birth control pill, but their bodies are usually able to adjust over time. Common birth control pill side effects include the following: Bleeding between periods Breast tenderness Nausea and vomiting Change in sexual desire ...