The pill not only affects the process of conceiving, but they also have much power over a woman's menstrual cycle. Let's take a closer look: Advantages Of Birth Control Pills#1 Prevents some cancersStudies prove that women on the pill are less prone to contracting ovarian and uterine cancer...
The birth control pill is one of the most groundbreaking drugs to be introduced in the past 50 years. It served as a player in the sexual revolution — giving women sexual freedom and allowing us to pull in the reins on family planning. And, when introduced, it was viewed as a tool ...
If you forget to take a birth control pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the next day, go ahead and take two pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for 2 days, take two pills the day you remember and two pills the next day. You will...
If you forget to take a birth control pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the next day, go ahead and take two pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for 2 days, take two pills the day you remember and two pills the next day. You will...
The pill has benefits beyond birth controlBy Malcolm Potts
You can take your birth control pill with an evening meal or at bedtime to help decrease nausea and/or vomiting. Side effects are a common reason why people stop taking birth control pills. Talk to your healthcare provider to see if changing to a different brand of pill may help, especial...
首先,hormonal birth control对我的痘痘非常有效,像之前说的,两个月脸就清了,那段时间心情特别好,当然是配合着外涂药和控制饮食(详情请翻阅开头提到的日记)见效又快又显著。停药之后,在姨妈前一周左右,雄性激素or雄性激素与雌性激素之比会升高,痘痘会在嘴部周围和下巴有起死回生的迹象,我的处理办法就是刷AHA,...
If you smoke, you should not take certain kinds of birth control pills.What are the advantages of birth control pills?When birth control pills are used correctly, the chances of getting pregnant are very low. Birth control pills may help decrease bleeding and pain during your monthly period. ...
It's a question that more and more young women wonder about -- should you get on the birth control pill for its other advantages, besides that it prevents against unintended pregnancies? A new Practice Bulletin issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that hormonal ...
One of the advantages of the use of barrier methods is that they can decrease the risk of sexually transmitted diseases(especially properly used condoms). None of them eliminates this risk. Subscribeto MedicineNet's Daily Health News Newsletter ...