Birth Control Patch Hormonal birth control like Xulane can cause sometimes cause weight gain Xulane can cause weight gain in some people.However, clinical studies on whether hormonalbirth controlcauses weight gain are conflicting; some women report gaining weight, whereas others report losing weight. ...
Birth control skin patches, such asXulaneorTwirla, contain both estrogen and progestin hormones. They are similar to the pill in terms of how effective they are in pregnancy prevention.1 Common side effects, which tend to go away after a few months, include:14 Headache Nausea Breast soreness ...
Have hadweight loss surgery(You use thebirth control patchif this is the case.) Your doctor may also not prescribe birth control pills for you if you have the following conditions: Blood clotsorstroke Abnormalmenstruation Migraines with aura(flashes of light,visionchanges, or tingling in the bod...