corresponding to nearly 15 million preterm births annually1. Preterm birth and related complications are the leading cause of infant mortality, and those who survive face an increased risk of morbidity and mortality across the life course2. While most preterm births are spontaneous, some are...
Relationship between maternal nutritional status and infant's weight and body proportions at birth###A comparative study of pregnancy outcome in teenage g... A retrospective study of births from January to December 1990 was conducted at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Jamaica. The stud...
A lower cut point could be considered but this would reduce the specificity of the measurement and could result in unnecessary expenditure in assessment and treatment of young adults who are not at higher risk of complications. The final decision on the waist circumference cut point used by any ...
too.Traditional medicinein China, Jamaica, and parts of India recommend it for various mystical reasons. Modern practitioners claim that hormones from the placenta can relieve stress and curbpost-partum depression.
The partogram is a key tool for early recognition of complications in labor and allows for prompt referral [83, 84]. This tool, used to assess the progression of labor and delivery, documents cervical dilation and fetal heart rate over time and alerts the attendant to slow or abnormal ...
Every month, over 10 million people in the U.S take contraceptive pills to avoid an unplanned pregnancy and treat health concerns such as painful periods, acne, ovarian cysts and menstrual migraines. The pill’s record of safety is underscored by the low rate of complications reported over the...