Vedic astrology birth chart calculator is free & easy to generate. Natal Chart or birth chart can be represented in the various styles. For Indian astrologers, this is very useful to calculate the predictions. In Indian astrology, predictions are based on the Moon and Ascendant (or Lagna). La...
The Birth Chart cast on the Indian System is truly unique since the Indian system makes adjustments for the fact that our Zodiac / Universe is moving and not fixed ,by the Big Bang theory of creation of Universe - this system is following for more than 7000 years, proving ancient Indians ...
Free online Rashi and Nakshatra calculator. Here you can find your Rashi or Moon sign and Nakshatra or birth star with your date of birth.
The houses in your chart point to the specific position of a planet or azodiac signand its influence over your life. The houses are determined on the basis of the exact time of your birth. There are 12 houses of Astrology and each house reflects a particular aspect of your life. It exp...
Compatibility Calculator Online Compatibility Calculators are now available freely and are the most sought-after method for precise online horoscope matching. The software ensures accurate and precise calculations doing away with any chances of human errors in the meticulous mathematical calculation. The com...