Moreover, Algeria and Malaysia have not so far reported cases of malaria while China has been awarded a certificate of malaria elimination by [5, 6]. The Kenya National Malaria Program working closely in partnership with other supportive agencies to assist the districts and counties as the ...
Thematernal nutrient depletion hypothesis, in relation to birth intervals, describes how the health of the mother as well as the fetus can be affected if the mother suffers from nutrient depletion because of a short interval between pregnancies (King2003; Winkvist et al.1992). Essentially, a sh...
Additionally, this is a cross-sectional study and birth weight data was collected by checking the birth certificate records or by caregivers’ recalls. Thus, to some extent, the results were affected by recall bias. However, the distribution adjustment we used to estimate the prevalence of LBW ...
Maternal and infant characteristics were obtained for cases and controls from the North Carolina birth certificate. Covariates were selected a priori using a directed acyclical graph approach. The final set included in the statistical analysis were maternal age (continuous), race/ethnicity (categorized ...