Complete a birth certificate request form. If you are abroad, you will need to contact the embassy or consulate for the form appropriate to your area. If you are in Kenya, contact the Kenyan registrar's office in the town of your birth for the appropriate paperwork. Supply copies of the ...
Evidence that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and that his birth certificate is a forgery. Kenyan citizenship documents of Barack Obama show that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore not eligible to be President
But the controversy persisted, with birthers insisting the detailed birth certificate was a fake, and that the president was in fact born in Kenya. The issue resurfaced earlier this week when outspoken Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaiotold CNNhe still believes the birth certificate was forged. Obama's ...
Well for starters, he posted his birth certificate on his website. Not to mention, the Director of Health for the State ofHawaiireleased a statement saying he was born in Hawaii . Also, non-partisan and highly credible political fact checking website) investigated it heavily a...
Donald Trump speech NC GOP Convention, MSNBC Greensboro News Record cover Trump on Obama birth certificate Kenya and college records, Media threats to RomneyDonald Trump speech NC GOP ConventionMedia threats to RomneyCitizen Wells
Byline: CAROLE FADER Many Times-Union readers want to know: A COPY OF PRESIDENT BARACK...Fader, Carole