Deutsch will take us on a mesmerizing“Walk Through Deep Time”, unfurling Alabama’s rich fossil legacy and its connections to our history, geology, and world-class biodiversity. (Add to your FB calendarHERE) Following Dr. Deutsch’s talk, Carolanne Roberts will announce the winners of the ...
Find everything you need to know about University of Alabama at Birmingham, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
Birmingham is now in the midst of that long-anticipated renaissance as it is touted as a food destination, as it boasts more public green space per capita than any other American city, as it is competing successfully for new development, and as it aggressively restores long-neglected buildings ...
2024 Events February 3, 10-3 p.m.,Black Genealogy Meeting and Book Sale, Birmingham Public Library February 8, evening,Arthur Shores, release of the new film for Alabama Public Television, Dynamite Hill book sales at Carver Theater February 26,Annual Meeting, Trustee Supper – Fruity Wonders ...