“The next phase of the equal pay programme will be to deliver a new pay and grading model and job evaluation scheme so that pay inequality at the city council can end once and for all,” he said. Unison West Midlands head of local government Claire Campbell said: “This is a good day...
The Supreme Court has told Birmingham City Council it must abide by a previous High Court ruling that it underpaid former female employees, which could pave the way for huge compensation claims. It's a landmark ruling that could see millions handed out in claims by Birmin...
The statement read: "Birmingham City Council has issued a s.114 notice as part of the plans to meet the council's financial liabilities relating to equal pay claims and an in-year financial gap within its budget which currently stands in the region of £87m. "In June, ...
Unite described the move as "devastating for council workers and the entire city". It comes after the authority effectively declared bankruptcy last year.
“Central government is prepared to extend additional financial support to the city. But our commissioners, I am sure, will be confronting the political leaders of Birmingham City Council with some necessarily very difficult decisions and I hope that we can take them in a constructive spirit ...
In response, John Cotton, leader of Birmingham City Council, said: "We must take responsibility for the failings that have contributed to our current difficulties, but the mistakes made in Birmingham have not occurred in a vacuum. Report after report shows that there's a national crisis in lo...
Birmingham to appeal equal pay decisionBy
Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈Listening to the Freak Zone on the 6 Music and the organiser of the festival is saying they'll probably have to find a new city to host them as Birmingham City Council has gone bankrupt. This has had a knock on effect on the availability of local music ...
Dozens of UK local councils face equal pay claims, says union GMB predicts total bill from discrimination against women could run into billions of pounds September 9 2023 News in-depthUK local government finance Birmingham council goes bust while the city around it booms ...
Birmingham is expected to pay about £250mn to settle a historic equal pay claim, a figure that calls into question the bankruptcy process that forced the city council to make deep cuts to services and agree £750mn in asset sales. ...