伯明翰市政委员会破产与解决同工同酬索赔的7.6亿英镑(折合68.4亿人民币)法案有关。 Halting all spending except on essential services, Birmingham City Council insisted vital services that it must provide by law would be protected such as protecting the vulnerable. The pressures have been linked to a ...
伯明翰城市议会(Birmingham City Council)已经批准了一个价值一亿九千三百万英镑的议案,该议案主张对该城市的REP剧 … www.britishcouncil.org|基于3个网页 2. 伯明翰市议会 ...员会(Arts Council England)、伯明翰市议会(Birmingham City Council)等机构主办。
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BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL: Whitby Vision of Global Village
City of Birmingham), the method of electing the City Council was changed by court order to district representation in 1989. The purpose of the suit was to preserve minority (white) political representation in an increasingly African-American city. Currently, the Birmingham City Council consists ...
Breaking news and top stories from Birmingham. The latest on the economy, politics, government, and business
Unite described the move as "devastating for council workers and the entire city". It comes after the authority effectively declared bankruptcy last year.
The Birmingham Times The Birmingham City Council on Tuesday put teeth into the City Code to deter exhibition driving for not only individuals who participate, but even those who show up to watch. According to amendments to the code, spectators in exhibition driving or street racing is pu...
Disability,Housing The Bedroom Tax investigated in Birmingham: no place to go March 21, 2013Enya Quin-Jarvis Sharing a room with her four year old disabled son,Brenda*, a single mother fromLadywood, is just one of the37,000 householdsin Birmingham living in congested conditions, making the ...
Birmingham City Council has formally declared itself in financial distress - confirming in a statement that all new spending, with the exception of protecting vulnerable people and statutory services, must stop immediately.