Testament to the longevity of the troubadour motif of nature as the starting point for reflecting on love’s longing is a much laterone verse fragment,Westron wynde, written 1507–c. 1547 inRoyal Appendix 58, a manuscript associated with the court of Henry VIII: Westron wynde when wyll thow ...
Hybridization is not always limited to two species; often multiple species are interbreeding. In birds, there are numerous examples of species that hybridize with multiple other species. The advent of genomic data provides the opportunity to investigate the ecological and evolutionary consequences of mu...
Buntings started panting at Ta of 33.2 ± 1.7°C, with rapid increases in EWL starting at Ta = 34.6°C, meaning they experienced heat stress when air temperatures were well below their body temperature. Maximum rates of EWL were only 2.9× baseline rates at thermoneutral Ta, a markedly ...
to an urban-dominated society a century later, with over 80% of the population now living in cities (USCB2016). Globally, the United Nations predicts that the world’s urban population will grow by more than a billion people between
living tree. The outside of the box is covered with adhesive and then the box is pounded into the tree. To make the cavity more attractive, hammer holes are pounded around the cavity opening to release resin. Once a bit of sawdust is added to the box, it’s ready to house a RCWO....
25、y can give you the satisfaction of starting and carrying through a plan all on your ownSeeing a completed piece of your own work-a chair you have made or a scarf you have knitted gives you a special feeling of prideYou will discover too that when you have an absorbing hobby, you ...