Define State birds. State birds synonyms, State birds pronunciation, State birds translation, English dictionary definition of State birds. n. a bird chosen as an official symbol of a U.S. state. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, ©
Only seventeen were new for the trip as many were species already observed at Wild Sumaco, but most of them were new Ecuador birds for me and nine were lifers – but without photos of any of them many of which were in the dark foliage of the early morning or heard only. A word abou...
Ovenbird, the Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve, Wake County, NC on 5/8/05. It gets its funny name from the shape of its nest, which looks like a Dutch oven.Ovenbird, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road access, 4/24/09. Here the yellow head stripe that gives this bird its spe...
Nature chose the spring of the year for the time of John Burroughs’s birth. A little before the day when the wake-robin shows itself, that the observer might be on hand for the sight, he was born in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, on the western borders of the Catskill Mountains...
The District Clerk's Census Reports from years 1889-1932- can be found in their original form at the State Archives at Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA. I will be recording year to year from 1888-1932 the names found- which if you are reading this- you happen to come across a...
Gadag district is located in the north-western part of northern Karnataka, which lies between 15.42° N and 75.62° E. Malaprabha River in the north and Tungabhadra River in the south form the natural boundaries of the district. The district spans over a total geographical area of 4656.0 ...
Dunlin flock, with sanderling and western sandpipers. As we approached the end of the island, the beach widened out, so that we were looking out over a large expanse of sand. Large pieces of driftwood dotted the landscape. A thick line of shells, wood, and human trash ran along the ed...
I had an intimate connection with the natural world, and then I lost that connection—it was a profound loss—until birds cracked the door open. I tell the stories of my encounters with birds, such as the mango-colored western tanager and the long-billed curlew, and how seeing...
Ringed Seal by NOAA Fisheries Plans Western Alaska Meetings, Public Domain RINGED SEAL Latin Name:Pusa hispida Habitat:Arctic and North Pacific Ocean Size:Length 4 to 5 feet; Weight 110 to 150 pounds Diet:Shrimp, mysids, cod, crustaceans ...
improve and conceal its nuclear weapons program in Syria while it pretends to “negotiate” with Britain, France and Germany (the “EU-3”). No amount of video messages will change this reality. The question is whether this new information about Iran will sink in, or if Washington will cont...