Spanning more than 3000 km from northeast to southwest, the Japanese archipelago comprises four major islands and thousands of rocks and islets that stretch from Taiwan to the Russian Far East, and encompass a wide range of habitats. Thus, Alpine meadows and Arctic landscapes in the north give ...
This beautiful Arkansas bird is a summer resident in forest edge and brushy habitats in southeastern Canada, the eastern and central USA, and in parts of the American Southwest. Key Identifications: Sparrow-sized bird with a finch-like beak. Males are deep, dark blue. Females are mostly pale ...
which is the longest free-flowing river east of the Mississippi River, is the official river of Indiana. At 764 kilometres (475 miles) in length, the river bisects the state from northeast to southwest, forming part of the state’s border with Illinois, before converging with the Ohio River...
My favorite walk in Southwest Florida. Despite the trail not fully open; the time spent yesterday was once again delightful.It was quiet and peaceful, full of bird song easily heard and lovely birds not quite so easily seen.But all the birds were preoccupied with food and...
Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA, 20–24 March 2002; Ralph, C.J., Rich, T.D., Eds.; USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-191; US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: Albany, CA...