1, I began tlie account of the collections of birds made by Mr. Heinrich Kiihn on the Ke-group, the so-called South-East Islands (Tiandoe, Taana, Manggoer, Kner, Teoor, Watoebela, Manawoka, Goram-lant, and C'erara-laut). The introduction and the enumeration of the Pittidae and...
In West Africa, tree preferences of wintering migratory birds (and African residents) were quantified in order to assess the importance of wintering conditions on distribution, abundance and trends of insectivorous woodland birds. This study encompassed 2000 plots between 10–18°N and 0–17°W, ...
Australia : Rigby - Slater - 1974 () Citation Context ...lved under the selective pressures of the ecological conditions in this region. Many of the endemic species of birds in the south-west of WA are territorial and do not move over very large...
Local bird capturers and traders have rarely been studied from a scientific, neutral point of view in Latin America. Most of the reports are provided by the organizations that are interested in impeding bird capture [27]. NGOs have no interest in how the bird trade affects the ancestral trad...
Vocal rhythm plays a fundamental role in sexual selection and species recognition in birds, but little is known of its genetic basis due to the confounding effect of vocal learning in model systems. Uncovering its genetic basis could facilitate identifyi
The animals live in Central and South America. The range of the plain chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) extends into Southern Texas, however. Some members of the family have a casque or a knob above their bill. Physical Features of the Horned Guan The horned guan is an attractive animal. It can...
Birds of Prey of the East: A Field Guide RI South Carolina S.C. SC South Dakota S.D. SD Tennessee Tenn. TN Texas Tex. TX Utah Utah UT Vermont Vt. VT Virginia Va. VA Washington Wash. WA Wisconsin Wisc. WI West Virginia W.Va. WV Wyoming Wyo. WY Canada Province/... BK Wheeler ...
Fulvous Whistling Duck ___ Dendrocygna bicolor (monotypic) South of the US, the Fulvous Whistling Duck has been seen during FONT tours in Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela. Greater White-fronted Goose (*) ___ AK:may,jun (PI) CA:sep CO:apr IA:mar NE:mar WA:sep Anser...
It was once I left the gravel path and headed through the dense prairie plants on my way to get a closer look at some of the small wetlands on the west side of the park, however, that things got a bit more interesting. In each shallow-water cell I inspected, I counted dozens of de...
Munshi-South J, Wilkinson GS. Bats and birds: exceptional longevity despite high metabolic rates. Ageing Res Rev. 2010;9: 12–9. Nabi G, Ali M, Khan S, Kumar S. The crisis of water shortage and pollution in Pakistan: risk to public health, biodiversity, and ecosystem. Environ Sci Pollu...