Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos): State Bird of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas 3 States: American Robin or Migratory Thrush (Turdus migratorius): State Bird of Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin American Goldfinch or Eastern Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis): State Bird of Iowa...
In the 1890s, an immigrant to the United States may have thought it was a good idea to import every bird species mentioned in Shakespeare’s collected works. Pity about the starlings.
#28. Eastern Bluebird Canva #28. Eastern Bluebird - Sites visited Feb 18-Mar 3: 19% - Average group size: 2.03 - States with the highest percent of sites visited --- #1. Georgia: 70% --- #2. North Carolina: 65% --- #2. South Carolina: 65% --- #4. Arkansas: 57% --- #...
- States with the highest percent of sites visited--- #1. Washington, D.C.: 90%--- #2. Nebraska: 67%--- #3. Indiana: 66%--- #4. Ohio: 62%--- #4. Missouri: 62% #28. Eastern Bluebird Canva #28. Eastern Bluebird - Sites visited Feb 18-Mar 3: 19%- Average group size:...
evaluate the potential effects of local and landscape variables on nest predation and brood parasitism, and behavioral observations of color-banded birds to evaluate the potential effects of habitat fragmentation on seasonal reproductive success of passerines in the shrubsteppe of eastern Washington State,...
Of the 155 California tiger salamander locality records in the eastern San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda and Contra Costa counties) where the wetland type was identified, 85% (131 sites) were located in stock ponds (United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife 2004). Stockponds ...
Thesis, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois Linnen CG (2008) Effects of oil and gas development on grassland birds. Northern EnviroSearch Ltd, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Google Scholar Lovich JE, Ennen JR (2011) Wildlife conservation and solar energy development in the desert ...
An epizootic of eastern equine encephalomyelitis in Connecticut Avian Dis., 17 (1973), pp. 861-867 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Butterfield et al., 1969 W.K. Butterfield, C.F. Helmboldt, R.E. Luginbuhl Studies on avian encephalomyelitis. IV. Early incidence and longevity of histopa...
A Frozen Hell The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-40 First Line: At the easternmost end of the Baltic Sea, between the Gulf of Finland and the vastness of Lake Ladoga, lies the rugged, narrow Karelian Isthmus.In 1939, tiny Finland waged war-the kind of war that spawns legends-against...
Of the 155 California tiger salamander locality records in the eastern San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda and Contra Costa counties) where the wetland type was identified, 85% (131 sites) were located in stock ponds (United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife 2004). Stockponds ...