Courting and Mating:Birds court one another with dances, songs and building nests. Love’s a many splendored thing! From dancing to eating to nest building to singing, birds have many courtship rituals. And springtime is the most likely time for you spot some of these unique behaviors right ...
"Constant petting or stroking a bird’s back is often interpreted by a bird as mating behavior." What kind of behaviors might I observe in my bird? One of the most common behaviors in a sexually excited bird is regurgitation. This represents an offering of food that a bird would give ...
Mating Preferences in Wild BirdsHAYMAN 1 , describing mating preference in a merino ram, states that mating preference has long been postulated as a mechanism concerned in the development of new species, but that such preference does not appear to have been observed in wild-type populations....
mallard: A common wild duck species, recognizable by the male's glossy green head. mandarin duck: Known for its stunning plumage, the mandarin duck is native to East Asia. grebe: A diving water bird known for its lobed toes and...
Here we test this prediction for the first time using phylogenetic comparative analyses. Consistent with theory, both mating system and parental care are strongly related to ASR in shorebirds: conventional sex roles are exhibited by species with female-biased ASR, whereas sex-role reversal is ...
The ecology and evolution of extra-pair copulations in birds Tinamous have male-only parental care. For their mating system, simultaneous polygyny and sequential polyandry is proposed as an optimal model and is confirmed in all species according to the existing literature, except in the Ornate Tin...
Evidence for small scale variation in the vertebrate brain: mating strategy and sex affect brain size and structure in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) The basis for our knowledge of brain evolution in vertebrates rests heavily on empirical evidence from comparative studies at the species level. ...
Mating systems, philopatry and dispersal in birds and mammals. Regional forest fragmentation and the nesting success of migratory birds. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Birds and Mammals in Landscapes with Different Proportions of Suitable Habitat: A Review ...
Widow-in-mourning Widowly Widow-maker widowman widow's widow's benefit Widow's chamber widow's cruse widow's mite widows peak widow's peak widows walk widow's walk widow's weeds Widow-wail width widthway widthways widthwise Widual
Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social NetworksA DNA test to sex most birdsTHE EVOLUTION OF PARENTAL CARE IN BIRDSEcological adaptations for breeding in birdsHeritable true fitness and bright birds: a role for parasites?Mating systems, philopatry and dispersal in birds and mammals.Regional forest...