gifski::gifski(png_files = png_files, gif_file = file.path("2018-09-04-birds-taxo-traits_files", "figure-markdown_github", "taxo.gif"), delay = 3, width = 500, height = 500, progress = FALSE) ## [1] "/img/blog-images/2018-09-04-birds-taxo-traits/taxo.gif" knitr::...
Siah Design – Free Twitter Buttons 42 twitter icons by siahdesign, available in PNG and GIF Formats(static as well as animated). Tweet
all-original free transparent images (gif images and PNG images with transparent backgrounds) of Jaq, Gus, Perla, Mary and other mice Last updated March 1st 2022 Terms of Use: These images were colored by, and are for non-commercial use. When sharing, include a source or ...
remove useless posts, change ui-demo.png position 10年前 images add gif tutorial 10年前 javascripts Create gh-pages branch via GitHub 10年前 stylesheets Update styles.css 10年前 add gif tutorial 10年前 _config.yml Update _config.yml ...
stacked images cost little more than one. The demo shows that even on ESP32, the images are cheap enough to allow a full size background JPEG with a partially-transparent PNG composed over it. ### lws_display Composition, palette and dithering Internally, lws provides either a 8-bit Y (...
location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp)$ { expires 24h; #客户端缓存上述静态数据 root C:/resources/images/; #文件路径 access_log C:/nginx-1.6.3/logs/log_test.log; proxy_store on; proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:rw;
document.webkitHidden : document.hidden; if (isHidden) { document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', visiChangecb); isOnceHidden = true; } }; // 由于在部分ipad上调起地图时,isHidden也为false;但是在visibilitychange事件里有时能得到正确的isHidden,有时也一直为false; // 为了提高准确性,通过...