根据第一段Bird-watching, or"birding", is a very popular hobby(爱好) these days, and it's a great way of getting outside with nature(大自然). So how can you get started?(鸟类观察,或称“观鸟”,是当今非常流行的爱好,也是一种接触大自然的好方法。那么怎么才能入门呢?)及全文可知这篇短文...
Bird-watching, or "birding" is a very popular hobby these days. 21.___.Do you know from here are some tips for you.22.___When you start, a good field guide will help you know birds, or you may want to use an app on you will need a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜).Where...
bird watching 美[ˈbɜrd ˌwɑtʃɪŋ] 英[ˈbɜː(r)d ˌwɒtʃɪŋ] na.(作为一种爱好的)野鸟习性观察 网络赏鸟;观察野鸟;观鸟台 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. (作为一种爱好的)野鸟习性观察 释义: 全部,野鸟习性观察,赏鸟,观察野鸟,观鸟台 ...
Standing on the bird watching of the Lake Water Bird Park, we are watching the birds. 站在湖滨水鸟公园的观景台, 我们望著湖上的鸟儿. 互联网 Ruby is trying to get her friend, Tony, to go bird - watching with her. 露比正设法说动她的朋友东尼陪她一起去赏鸟. ...
bird-watching,即观鸟,是在自然环境中观察和研究野鸟的娱乐活动。以下是对bird-watching的详细解释: 一、定义与起源 观鸟作为一种娱乐活动,其本质是在自然环境中对野鸟进行观察和研究。这一活动的起源可以追溯到古代,最初可能出于狩猎、食物采集或宗教仪式的需要。现代意义上的观鸟活动则起源...
Bird watching, or birding, is a very interest- ing hobby these days. Here are some things about it.What to needWhen you start, you need to have some apps(应用程序) on your phone. These can help you know the birds well. You also need a pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜). It can help...
Bird watching, or "birding", is a popular hobby these days, and it's a great way of getting outside with nature. So how can you get started?What to need When you start, a field guide will help you identify birds, or you might want to use an app on your phone. You will ...
Define bird watching. bird watching synonyms, bird watching pronunciation, bird watching translation, English dictionary definition of bird watching. or bird·watch·er also bird-watch·er n. A person who observes and identifies birds in their natural su