- The golf term birdie is a diminutive of bird, "first-rate thing," as it is one stroke under par for a hole. See also related terms forpar. Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. birdie Past participle:birdied ...
A.It infected few people working with chickens, it can T move around, so I wouldn’t worry too much. the chances of that happening is the same as a meteor hitting earth and destroying it, same as a nuclear war in the middle east that will wipe out half of humanity, same as all bi...
The turkeys were coming through the backyard and I caught them scratching around in the yard debris that was still piled up. The day after Hurricane Milton came through a prairie warbler was in my tree. This is the first time I’ve had one in the yard. A lone buck was grazing around ...
that we send to you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements, including, but not limited to, that such communications be in writing. You should maintain copies of electronic communications from us by printing a paper copy or saving an electronic copy. We may also send you...
It is expected that the long-term strategic development plan of Ocean Park will be submitted to the working group led by the Financial [...] legco.gov.hk 海洋 公 園的長遠策略發 展計劃書,預計將於今年 10 月 便會呈交由 財政 司司長領 導 的工作 小組, 我 希望有關當局 屆時能夠 作...
"little bird," 1792, frombird(n.1) +-ie. As golf slang for "a hole played one under par," by 1908, perhaps frombird(n.) in American English slang sense of "exceptionally clever or accomplished person or thing" (1839). also from1792 ...
We feature a wide selection of gear from every league, including NCAA merchandise, which allows us to serve fans of football, baseball, hockey, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, golf, and everything else that gets your heart pumping. At Putian Qimei, we're more ...
And at Rain Bird, it’s only a small part of how we’re growing a better future. We’re innovating to stay ahead of the challenges faced by both our customers and our planet, designing and manufacturing products that will shape the future of irrigation. Our global engineering, marketing, ...
3. Find a way to aim your smartphone at it for awhile. Thanks to the pandemic and working from home all the time, I have a selfie stick that also works as a tripod and has a ring light. This is perfect for holding the phone steady and giving enough light to really see the process...
though it is a little larger with a longer bill and the black tip of its tail plumage is narrower. The female is unusual in that it has a scalloped black or brownish-black mantle and back; the dark feathers there are edged with white. This area appears a more uniform black as the plu...