The other two sorting options are really not optimal for ticking birds, but become appropriate when you want to review or output a list of the birds you've seen.Taxonomic Ordersorts species according to theClements Checklist, enhanced with "pseudo-species" like "Gull sp." or "Short-billed/L...
We got 49 observations (nrow(trimmed_birds)) of 49 species (length(unique(trimmed_birds$comName))), over 2 places (length(unique(trimmed_birds$locName))) during 5 observation sessions. Hopefully merely an appetizer to what we can get from using the full eBird dataset in the next section…...
This bird species has far more information about what the bees are doing than humans evercould. In Tanzania, Hadza foragers can use a special whistle to attact this bird, which will then flydown and start leading them to honey. With its n...
■ Splits History. See what birds were renamed, split into different species or lumped together for 2014, 2015 and 2016. ■ View all birds by head which makes identification easier. ■ Back up and sync favorites and notes with iCloud and share with all your devices and your friends. ...
In the politically sensitive year of 1997, Hong Kong experienced an outbreak of avian flu when the deadly H5N1 virus unprecedentedly jumped the species barrier from chickens and infected human beings. Hong Kong decided to slaughter over a million chickens, and the virus was stopped in its tracks...
See what birds were renamed, split into different species or lumped together for 2014, 2015 and 2016. ■ View all birds by head which makes identification easier. ■ Back up and sync favorites and notes with iCloud and share with all your devices and your friends. Popular Features ■‘...
As the official listing authority for birds for the World Conservation Union’s red list of threatened species, BirdLife International has identified more than 1,000 bird species threatened with extinction and has developed conservation strategies for each of them. In addition, the group publishes ...