FLIGHT OF FANCY; Exotic Bird Species on Rise in Ireland as Temperatures Soar
The Swift (apus apus) is a protected and threatened species in Ireland. It spends its winters in tropical Africa and migrates north arriving in Ireland from April and leaving in August/September, travelling around . It is a small bird and entirely black except for a small white/grey patch ...
Effects of climate and land-use change on species abundance in a central European bird community Although it is known that changes in land use and climate have an impact on ecological communities, it is unclear which of these factors is currently most ... Lemoine,Bauer,HG,... - 《...
This project will gather survival information on a wide range of species in Britain and Ireland using targeted trapping for specific species for mark‐recapture analysis. By the end of 1998 75 datasets covering 32 species had been received. Data collected by the Constant Effort Sites (CES) ...
The steep decline in the number of species from Tropic to Pole may possibly be explained by 'the weather', that is, the latitudinal decline in the input of solar energy. This explanation, often obvious to the lay person, is dismissed or even ignored by m
This is the 59th annual report of the British Trust for Ornithology's Ringing Scheme and reports on the data received in 1995. 859,252 birds of 261 species were ringed. New species added to the Ringing Scheme's list were Hermit Thrush and Brünnich's Guillemot. There were small increases ...
Generalised Linear Models indicated that there was a positive relationship between the documented heterogeneity of farmland habitats and the numbers of bird species observed during standardised farm surveys. However, this relationship was not evident when bird diversity was quantified using both the Shannon...
2.any of numerous suboscine songbirds of the family Furnariidae, ranging from S Mexico through South America, some species of which build an oven-shaped nest. [1815–25] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random Ho...
Watch the behavior of nesting birds through bird cams from around the world. Dozens of bird species can be observed on these live bird nest webcams.
There is particular concern for Bullfinch as adult numbers decreased by 16% in 2006, a continuing downward trend that has seen numbers of the species halve since the 1970s. Five species showed a significant increase in productivity when compared to the previous year, while four showed a ...