Here’s how I started the first block. I traced the pattern onto the fabric with a Clover water soluble marker. As I started working on the block, I realized that this quilt is quite suitable for confident beginners The pieces have nice, gentle curves, too. So no points:) Next, I sta...
Brained Lap Quiltmeasures 46″ x 60″. The individual block sizes are 12″ x 12″ and you make 12 blocks. Six will be appliqued with the bird pattern and six of them will not. Stay with this size, or take on a challenge and add more blocks to create a queen or king sized quilt!
I am intertwining it with QuiltCon! The Drift Quilt Pattern For years, I have been intimidated by curves. I have made blocks that use them here and there, but I was lost when I tried to write a pattern incorporating the technique. This was especially true for an orange peel quilt I ...
Ways to Use the Spark of Light Block Tips for Sewing the Spark of Light Block Get Your Free Block! You can download the Spark of Light Quilt Block for free during the entire month of December! Consider it my holiday gift to you. After December, it will move to the shop—so don’t ...
Crafts Bird House Quilted Wall Hanging Pattern Crafts Birdhouse Treasure Quilt Block Home Improvement How to Get Rid Of Crows Crafts How to Make Bird Snacks Crafts Easy Quilt Patterns Crafts How to Make Bird Houses Home Improvement How to Keep Your Home Bug-free in the Summer Lawn ...
Not only did the perfect pattern come along, it also had a co-ordinating fat-eights bundle to go along with it! When opportunity like this knocks, you better open the door! The “perfect project” for my batik collection is “Spring Bouquet” by Laundry Basket Quilts. The fabrics are “...
.Click here to download your own copy of the free pattern. The pattern has a lot of different size option and the one featured here is one that I am making for a coworker that just had a baby girl. This baby quilt is sized for a crib. What do you think of the 2 x 4 block ...
a pattern designed by Lori Smith. I thought the blocks were a tad small (8 1/2″), so I enlarged them 125%. I cut my background blocks 15″ square and I will trim them down slightly when I decide what kind of sashing to make. I love working on a quilt this way. So many unkn...
I created a new profile, set up it under Exchange/Office365 with the add-on OWL. I try to send a email test and the error message is : "Login to server with username (my email address) failed. At this point I do not know what to do. Everyth...