Kroodsma, R.L. 1982. Bird community ecology on power-line cor- ridors in east Tennessee. Biol. Conserv. 23: 79-94. doi:10.1016/ 0006-3207(82)90032-5.Kroodsma RL.Bird community ecology on power-linecorridors in East Tennessee. Biological Conservation . 1983...
in my soul that this is my brother’s spirit showing me that he is ok by the end of the summer this little hummingbird had began to show lime green color on its back tail feathers I live in South East Tennessee and I have started watching for him to come back Chris was my only ...
one bird left Virginia and flew to Alaska, traveling 3,200 miles in about 6 days in what looked to be a non-stop flight. Before that, we didn’t know that whimbrels on the east coast
“Migratory birds are once again protected in the United States from industrial and other threats, thanks to a court ruling rejecting the Administration’s blatant misinterpretation of protections Congress put in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act,” said Mike Leahy, director of wildlife, hunting and fish...
Maybe Putin reckons this might well represent his last opportunity to consolidate territorial gains in eastern Ukraine - move those forces in there and grab as much as they can (ideally, they can make it to the Dnieper River) and then hunker down for the winter months and by ne...
See the best 40 bird watching spots in Asheville and western North Carolina mountains that includes birding along Blue Ridge Parkway and in the Blue Ridge and Great Smoky Mountains.
(this issue) documents the changing status of the white-tailed eagle in the Netherlands. In the relatively intact ecosystems with low human populations of the Neolithic, white-tailed eagles were regularly hunted for food and possibly ceremonial uses. Hunting pressure seems to have increased in the...
If not for Covid-19, I may not have birded so much in Canada. Love to chase birds, a bit like hunting, going to a spot and hoping to get a glimpse of the quarry, getting a photo. Totals as of 2022 ABA – 770 Canada – 453 ...
charm" red panda-tail hats are also used by local newlyweds. This practice may be quite old, as the red panda seems to be depicted in a 13th-century Chinese pen-and-ink scroll showing a hunting scene. Little or no mention of the red panda is made in the culture and folklore of ...