Uh, they’re talking about the bird flu and they’re going to have chicken. E: Yes, after, uh, sneezing all over. M: Hehe. Yeah, I guess now we could take a look at our “language takeaway” for this dialogue. Voice: Language takeaway. E: We heard a lot of really useful ...
Birdflu, does itringa bell? Ptičiigrip,zvonili vam zvono? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Thebirdsthat Hasegawa hasringedare regularly spotted in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. Pticekoje je Hasegavaprstenovaoredovno se zapažaju na Beringovom moru i u Aljaskom zalivu. ...
bird flu was observed when? when was bird flu observed? In which countries was bird flu observed? The first three fail completely; the last two work fine. The first three are "inverted questions" . Note how the last two use SI (inverted subject), which suggests that the first three ne...
Yeah,birdguano's been known to carry more than 60 transmittablediseases. Da, poznato je daizmet pticasadrži više od 60 prenosnihbolesti. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 A chicken found dead in Macedonia did not havebirdflu but was killed by Newcastledisease, according to final results from a lab ...
The way they chirp now, Twitter got you bold (Chirp) And it's a wet flu, that boy fucking throwed, uh Like, send that check through (Through), you know what I'm owed (Owed, owed) And she so fine, she OnlyFans on she own (Uh, yeah) ...
Dobirds of a feather flock together It certainly appears that they do. We are likely to hang around with inpiduals who are similar to ourselves. Poor people like to surround themselves with other poor people, and rich people with other rich people. Intelligent people associate with like minds...
Two years ago, on March 17th, 2020, I was at a dinner party with five friends. COVID, or as we said at the time,“a new flu”, had just started to take hold in the U.S. One friend asked, “What do you think we’ll be saying about this flu in two weeks?” We all agreed...