"Do it as you would do scales on the piano. Do it by prearrangement with yourself. Do it as a debt of honor. And make a commitment to finishing things.” 这句话让我感到写作其实就像弹钢琴一样,需要持之以恒,有序进行。总的来说,《Bird by Bird》这本书虽然有些地方让我觉得凌乱,但它也...
there were so many restaurants and individual dishes in my brainpan that when people asked for a recommendation, I couldn’t think of a single restaurant where I’d ever actually eaten. But if the person could narrow it down
Bird by Bird 作者: Anne Lamott 出版社: Scribe Publications副标题: Some Instructions on Writing and Life出版年: 2008-11-24页数: 272装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781921372476豆瓣评分 8.2 251人评价 5星 35.5% 4星 42.6% 3星 19.5% 2星 2.4% 1星 0.0% ...
513-Bird by Bird-Anne Lamott- Novel Writing-1994 513-Bird by Bird-Anne Lamott- Novel Writing-1994Barack2024/04/07《Bird by Bird》,首版于1994年。它是关于如何写作和如何管理作家生活的分步指南。 从“入门”到“简短作业”,再到“糟糕的初稿”、“人物”、“情节”、“对话”,从“错误的开始”到“...
作为一位资深的文学评论员,我有幸能够阅读并分享一本对我影响深远的书籍——Anne Lamott 的《鸟来鸟去:写作与生活的指南》(Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life)。这本书不仅教会我们如何写作,还教会我们如何活着。 在这本书里,Anne Lamott 将她的知识和经验分享给了读者。她教会我们如何写出...
《bird by bird》读后感(二) 到目前为止,这本繁体字的书籍已经阅读了1/4。文中最主要的一个主题:一只鸟接着一只鸟写就对了。作者在文章中不断地重复她小时候的故事,只是为了告诉我们:不论你要写的文章类型是什么?你都只需像作者的哥哥一样,一只鸟接着一只鸟的往下写。一个字一个字的往下写。
必应词典为您提供bird-by-bird的释义,网络释义: 一只鸟接著一只鸟;一只鸟接着一只鸟;一只鸟接一只鸟地写;
《bird by bird》读后感(一) 《bird by bird》这本书是欣频老师推荐的,它有一个中文名字叫写作课。当时我看到这本书的时候,我就觉得很有意思,尤其是他的书名。书的封面上有很醒目的三个单词—— Bird by bird,英文单词的下面是“写作课”三个字。当时看到这本书的时候除了感觉有意思之外,我还挺疑惑的。
【推荐书目】bird.."Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a repo
Elephant bird, any of several species of extinct giant flightless birds found as fossils in Pleistocene and Holocene deposits on the island of Madagascar. Modern classifications place elephant birds in three genera, with Vorombe titan being both the larg