Bird Box: Barcelona: Regie: David Pastor, Àlex Pastor Mit Mario Casas, Georgina Campbell, Diego Calva, Naila Schuberth Nachdem ein Wesen mysteriösen Ursprungs die Weltbevölkerung auslöscht und alle, die es beobachten, in den Tod treibt, begin
Bird Box Barcelonaalso has an exceptional cast, although the majority of its actors are Spanish. Mario Casas plays Sebastian, a father who seeks to find a safe haven for his daughter in the doomed world. The actor made his television debut in 2005 with the seriesMotivos personalesand has s...
Bird Box Barcelonareveals its shocking twist early on: Sebastián is not actually the hero but the misguided antagonist. His daughter Anna isn’t alive; she’s a figment of his imagination, and he is being manipulated by the creatures who prey on his guilt and grief. Sebastián deceives other...
Bird Box: Barcelona has two main differences. It’s set in Spain, and the main character, Sebastian (Mario Casas), has a secret darker than the blindfold he wears. Marco-Polo-like hijinks ensue. Okay, let’s cut to the chase: Bird Box wasn’t good in the first place. Am I right...
'Bird Box Barcelona,' a Spanish spin-off of the 2018 Sandra Bullock hit, is designed for a local audience and extend the global franchise.
WhileBird Box Barcelonais already one ofthe most anticipated films of the year, given its dependence on the original, the spin-off promises much more. With that in mind, here's why fans ofBird Boxshould be excited to watch the new spin-off. ...
Bird Box Barcelona Mario Casas, Georgina Campbell, Diego Calva 0 votes Bird Box Barcelona (2023) is a Spanish post-apocalyptic horror thriller directed and written by Álex and David Pastor. Serving as a spin-off sequel to the 2018 film Bird Box, the story unfolds in Barcelona, where survi...
Bird Box: Barcelona Lista 7,3It - A Coisa Lista 7,3Fragmentado Lista 7,2Um Lugar Silencioso: Parte II Lista 7,5Invocação do Mal Lista 6,8Nós Lista 7,8Corra! Lista 7,0O Poço Lista 7,3Invocação do Mal 2 Lista 6,5It: Capítulo Dois Lista 7,0A Ór...
But unlike its predecessor, which is mainly set five years after the creatures' first appearance, Bird Box Barcelona seems like it's going to unravel the day they arrived on Earth. We might finally start getting some answers about Bird Box's terrifying monsters, like was Barcelona the first...
of the same name by Josh Malerman and followed a similar story trajectory. Bullock stars as Malorie Hayes, who navigates the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world while trying to keep herself and two children safe from creatures with the terrifying ability to make a person kill themselves on ...