Locker, AlisonLocker, A, 1997. The mammal, bird and fish bones from excavations at Porth Killier 1996. Coastal Protection Scheme, St Agnes, Isles of Scilly, unpublished archive report, HES, Truro
Mammal bones and teeth : The principal contribution comprises the large quantities of mammal, fish and bird bones, carbonised plant remains and pottery, which can be accurately dated to a fairly precise and narrow period in the 1st millennium AD. These are ... UO London - Institute of Archa...
The mammal, bird and amphibian bones. In: Ratkai, S. (ed). The Bull Ring Uncovered: Excavations at Edgbaston Street, Moor Street, Park Street and the Row, Birmingham City Centre, 1997-2001. Oxford: Oxbow; I have noticed a couple of omissions. While these may not be of particular ...
(cutting, burning) and the introduction of non-native plants and crops4, the introduction of alien species (domestic animals and/or human commensals)2,5,6 and the overexploitation of bird species via hunting and trapping (birds were hunted for their fat, protein, bones and colourful feathers)...
A Photographic Guide to Small Mammal Bones in Barn Owl Pellets £20.00 More Info The Peregrine Falcon £60.00 More Info The Gull Guide £35.00 More Info Gulls of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East £25.00 £35.00 More Info Mission Penguin £21.99 £25.00 More Info...
Graviportal vs Cursorial. •Graviportal Bird(Moa) has the bones right on top of each other. …. Not fast runners – convergent with that of elephants and large mammals. …. Aepyornithidae (Aepyornis medius) …. Dinornithidae birds. ...
They utilise this to make vitamin D3 in this bodies. This in turn is crucial to allow them to absorb calcium from their diet into their bodies. Without this vital mineral, they will suffer from weak bones and show other symptoms too, of what is known as metabolic bone disease (MBD). ...
A new look at a very old animal backs up the notion that dinosaur-era birds had to be quick on their feet.
Evidence of Hawking (Falconry) from bird and mammal bones - PRUMMEL - 1997 () Citation Context ...ous small and mediumsized birds and mammals). At the mid 8th-late 10th century Slavonic castle of Oldenburg, in Ostholstein, Northern Germany, several of these lines of evidence are well ...
1997. The Saxon, Medieval and Post-medieval mammal and bird bones excavated in 1989-1991 from Castle Mall, Norwich (Norfolk). Ancient Monuments Laboratory Re- port (New Series) 72/97. English Heritage, London.Albarella, U., Beech, M., & Mulville, J. 1997. The Saxon, M...