Define biracial. biracial synonyms, biracial pronunciation, biracial translation, English dictionary definition of biracial. adj. 1. Of, for, or consisting of members of two races. 2. Having parents of two different races. bi·ra′cial·ism n. American H
or here: And if you want more Alex Barnett, here’s a link to his website where you can read his blog posts and enjoy his stand-up: ...
or here: And if you want more Alex Barnett, here’s a link to his website where you can read his blog posts and enjoy his stand-up: ...
Some people describe themselves as mixed-race; others prefer to use mixed, dual heritage (especially in the UK), biracial (especially in the US) or multiracial. Some people think it is best, if it is necessary to talk about a person's background, to be specific: My mother is Japanese...
Define biracially. biracially synonyms, biracially pronunciation, biracially translation, English dictionary definition of biracially. adj. 1. Of, for, or consisting of members of two races. 2. Having parents of two different races. bi·ra′cial·ism n.
It’s also helpful to consult studies that debunk the "tragic mulatto" myth. For example, theAmerican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatryposits that “multiracial children do not differ from other children in self-esteem, comfort with themselves, or a number of psychiatric problems.” On ...
Probing racial identity in young biracial children CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Katherine Green JoplinSharon CThe face of America is changing; it is becoming more multiracial to include biracial or mixed race people. The 2010 census indicated that biracial people are growing at a rate 26 times faster than...
Cultural Appreciation or Cultural Appropriation文化或文化挪用 热度: ROLLINS,ALETHEA,Ph.D.RaciallySocializingBiracialYouth:ACulturalEcological StudyofMaternalInfluencesonRacialIdentity.(2009) DirectedbyDr.AndreaG.Hunter.96pp. Asoursocietybecomesincreasinglymultiracial,itisimperativethatparents, ...
The face of America is changing; it is becoming more multiracial to include biracial or mixed race people. The 2010 census indicated that biracial people are growing at a rate 26 times faster than other racial groups. This rapid increase in biracial individuals necessitates greater understanding...
Biracial individuals typically see people as fellow humans, not as inferior or superior races. This trend is likely to continue as more interracial couples have biracial and multiracial children that will change the attitude of future generations in regards to race. We are already seeing this ...