BIR Enhances Large Taxpayers DriveThe Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the government's main tax agency, yesterday kicked off its 2013 tax collection campaign aimed at improving the collection yield in the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS).Manila Bulletin...
Pay at anyAuthorized Agent Bank (AAB)under the jurisdiction of Revenue District Office (RDO)/Large Taxpayers District Office (LTDO) where the taxpayer (head office of the business establishment) is registered. For places without AAB - file your Monthly VAT declaration and pay the VAT due to t...
corporations for their significant contribution to the government's collection performance last year.The big four taxpayers are Cigarette manufacturer PMFTC, Inc., Republic Cement Corp., ABS-CBN Corp., and Smart Communications, Inc.BIR-Large Taxpayers Service (LTS) Assistant Commissioner Zenaida G. ...
(GNP) caused by the global financial crisis has slowed down the tax collection efforts.Of the excess, P4.9 billion was generated by the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS), the specialized audit outfit based in the national office and the balance of P1.7 billion by the 19 regional offices.Records...
BIR Collects P344.15 B from Large Taxpayers in 10 MonthsByline: Lee C. ChipongianManila Bulletin