text to lowercase, by default True.offensive : bool, optionalFlag indicating whether to convert offensive contractions to their original form, by default True.norm_numbers : bool, optionalFlag indicating whether to convert numeric text to its normalized form, by default True.remove_numbers : bool,...
3D den gelen form request body'sini Dictionary<string, object> e çevirip VPOSClient.Sale3DResponse methoduna gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu işlem sonrası nihai sonuç döner. VirtualPOSAuth nestpayAkbank = new VirtualPOSAuth { bankCode = CP.VPOS.Services.BankService.Akbank, merc...
However, semantic search is based on a combination of structured knowledge resources (e.g., thesaurus, ontologies, and knowledge graphs) and unstructured data in the form of raw textual corpora. 2.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)–Assisted Tools An AI-assisted tool provides clinicians with a ...
this information with them, so they see these certain signs of what potentially could be cancer and go to a doctor right away rather than put it off,'" Asci said. When she was diagnosed with IBC over 20 years ago there was little research and aware- ness of this form of cancer. ...
tsconfig.json Converted creature.js into TS form Apr 20, 2023 webpack.config.js refactor: assets.ts, assets/index.js Jul 16, 2023 Repository files navigation README Code of conduct License Security "We all die. The goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will....