菲律宾税务新规,本土卖家必备,BIR及常见税务问题解析 Shopee菲律宾站发布公告,对所有卖家发出了提醒:为了确保实体店和电商商家之间的公平竞争,菲律宾税务局(BIR)已经正式颁发了新的税收条例,根据该条例的要求,菲律宾本土电商卖家必须要缴纳自己销售总额0.5% 的金额,作为可抵扣预扣税。与此同时,所有电商卖家都必须要在BIR...
A person who is going to pay taxes needs to register with BIR. You can be someone who is planning to start a business or you are getting your first job. You need to have a uniqueBIR TIN(Tax Identification Number) to be properly identified when you pay for your taxes. You can get a...
2a. Get a Tax Identification Number (TIN). For those who don’t have a TIN yet, you need to accomplish and submit 2 copies of BIR Form 1901. This is the first thing you need to secure before proceeding to the next step. 2b. Update Your Personal Information. If you were previously ...
176 Votes What is bir form 1904? BIR Form No. 1904. Download. (PDF 2018 ENCS) | (PDF 2000 ENCS) Application for Registration For One-Time Taxpayer and Persons Registering under E.O. 98 (Securing a TIN to be able to transact with any Government Office)People...
STEP #1: TIN Registration/TIN Update a. For doctors/physicians who have no prior experience working/not registered with the BIR You are required to obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN). BIR offers an eRegistration system for TIN issuance. Visit the link forBIR eRegistration, fill out all...
so the program looks like that so first off you need to input the course your tin ok because I've used this a lot it actually automatically inputs everything else, and then you choose which form so for example two five one M, so that's your monthly percentage tax return, and then ...
06 You may choose from any of the following payment options: Electronic/Online Payment B GCash Mobile Payment Do you have a GCash application on your mobile phone? Yes No proceed to the next question. download the application through the App Store (for iOS users) or Play Store (for Android...
If you are a businessman or entrepreneur, Birbank Biznes application is what you’ve been looking for. Because this app is full of advantages that will make your…