Reversibility of airway obstruction is recommendation dependent.doi:10.1016/S0761-8425(07)74260-2Ben Saad, H.Ben Attia Saafi, R.Rouatbi, S.Ben Mdella, S.Garrouche, A.Hadj Mtir, A.Harrabi, I.Tabka, Z.Zbidi, A.Elsevier Masson SASRevue Des Maladies Respiratoires...
alternativeKohlenstoffquelleMethanol is an attractive alternative carbon source for industrial biotechnology. Methylobacterium species represent suitable microorganisms to convert methanol into valuable multi-carbon chemicals, as their complex central metabolism provides many different useful starting intermediates for...
Néfopam en perfusion continue et effets secondaires indésirables : quelle imputabilité ?NefopamAdverse drug reactionsCausality assessmentWe report the case of a 77-year-old man, with nefopam postoperative analgesia, who developed subacute neurological symptoms, whereas he had profound hypoprotidemia...
Despite its interest, the mitigated success of this proposition will bring me to reconsider the overall relevance of attributing, in such a targeted manner, moral responsibility to pharmaceuticals.Allard, CarolineDialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review...
Elena o Alcibiade? Bellezza, desiderio e scandali dalle trame del mito a quelle della storia e viceversadoi:10.13128/SDD-20989The essay re-proposes seminal classic texts on the footsteps of Alcibiades as a historical character and Helena as a mythical figure, who both embodied a...
However, most of the examined bacteria are aquatic strains. We want to take a closer look on their terrestrial relatives which also possess a rich secondary metabolome that is still to explore.doi:10.1007/s12268-020-1484-1Marco WitthohnAnna SchwarzDorina StriethSelina LenzKai MufflerBIOspektrum...
Annales De Réadaptation Et De Médecine PhysiqueChauvineau V et coll. Quelle est la place des biphosphonates dans le traitement de l'algodystrophie sympathique reflexe ? Analyse critique de la litterature.Ann Readapt Med Phys 2005; 48 :150-7....
Expertise psychiatrique: quelle est la responsabilité pénale en cas de consommation de cannabis?AddictionCannabisCriminal liabilityDiscernmentPsychiatric expertisePsychiatric pathologyPACA regionObjectives In recent years, cannabis use has been a public health problem in France, particularly through the ...
Bocquet, Anne MarieRevue Management et AvenirBocquet A-M (2013) L'engagement environnemental de l'entreprise: quelle responsabilite envers quelles par- ties prenantes? Les cas Migros et Coop sur le marche agroalimentaire suisse. Management et Avenir 64(6): 35-55....
Frederic Paycha , Serge Maia , Najla Ayachi, Maggy Grossin, Marie- Christine de VernejoulQuelle est la signification des anomalies observees en scintigraphie osseuse ?Retour sur les mecanismes de fixation des bisphosphonates-(99mTc) ; Medecine Nucleaire 31 (2007) 356-365...