Historically, despite the name, "manic-depression" did not require manic episodes. Then along came the DSM-III of 1980, the first "modern"DSM, which inexplicably and arbitrarily set full-blown mania as its threshold for "bipolar disorder." The DSM-IV of 1994 loosened up somewhat by dividing...
ManiaMixed statesDepending on the classification system used, 5-40% of manic subjects present with concomitant depressive symptoms. This post-hoc analysis evaluates the hypothesis that (hypo)manic subjects have a higher burden of depression than non-(hypo)manic subjects.#Data from 806 Bipolar I or...
网络双相躁狂;双极性躁症;躁郁症 网络释义 1. 双相躁狂 双相抑郁和躁狂,bipo... ... ) manic-depressive illness 躁狂抑郁症 )bipolar mania双相躁狂) depressive mania 抑郁性躁狂症 ... www.dictall.com|基于3个网页 2. 双极性躁症 ...01) 是一个作用广泛的 抗癫痫药物,还可用於治疗双极性躁症(bipol...
During bipolar mania, you may feel abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired. Bipolar mania symptoms also include an exaggerated sense of self-confidence & euphoria
Mania can be seductive. You might feel more energized, creative, and interesting. You might be able to get tons of work done. So what's the problem? Manic phases often turn destructive. You might wipe out your savings account on a shopping spree. You might have affairs that ruin your ma...
Human mood disorder risk gene Synaptotagmin-14 contributes to mania-like behaviors in mice Yue Zhang Chu-Yi Zhang Xiao Xiao Research18 Feb 2025Molecular Psychiatry P: 1-12 Examining the relationships between self-stigma, loneliness, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation among people with bipolar...
bipolar disorder- a mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression manic depression,manic depressive illness,manic-depressive psychosis affective disorder,emotional disorder,emotional disturbance,major affective disorder- any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the...
and unipolar manic-depressive patients, 2168 manic-depressive first admissions reported to the Danish Psychiatric Central Register were divided into a bipolar group (19%), i.e., patients with at least one admission for mania during an average observation period of six years, and a unipolar group...
As a friend of someone living with bipolar disorder, you can offer valuable support by staying alert to the signs of both depression and mania. “Red flags” can alert you when your friend with bipolar disorder may be slipping into depression or mania. What are these bipolar red flags, how...
Mania is a mood disturbance that is characterized by abnormally intense excitement, elation, expansiveness, boisterousness, talkativeness, distractibility, and irritability. The manic person talks loudly, rapidly, and continuously and progresses rapidly from one topic to another; is extremely enthusiastic...