Bipolar disorder is a chronic and often devastating illness that may go undiagnosed because of its complex and diverse presentation. Clinicians can provide psychological treatments, in conjunction with pharmacotherapy, that can reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of manic and depressive episodes....
Nondrug Treatments of Depression Whilemedications are usually the cornerstone of treatment for bipolar disorder, ongoing psychotherapy is important to help patients understand and accept the personal and social disruptions of past episodes and better cope with future ones. Several specific forms of psychot...
Alternative Treatments There are several things that in addition to medication and therapy that can help treat bipolar disorder. These may include changing your lifestyle, joining a support group, relying on your support network, or looking into alternative medication options. ...
Another successful treatment for bipolar disorder is mindfulness. Mindfulness will help keep your bipolar anxiety under control while also maintaining daily stability. Learn more about mindfulness as a treatment for bipolar disorder.
Best Bipolar Disorder Treatments Offered at Cadabams Bipolar Disorder Group Therapy Bangalore | Bipolar Disorder CBT Hyderabad | Bipolar Disorder Group Therapy Hyderabad | Bipolar Disorder Home Services Hyderabad | Bipolar Disorder Neurofeedback Hyderabad | Bipolar Disorder Family Therapy Bangalore | Bipolar...
Bipolar disordermay affect sleep in many ways. For example, it can lead to: Insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough to feel rested (resulting in feeling tired the next day). Hypersomnia, or over-sleeping, which is sometimes even more common thaninsomniaduring peri...
Living with bipolar disorder can significantly impact a person’s ability to function, achieve their goals, and feel satisfied in life. Fortunately, there are many treatment options that can address symptoms and make navigating bipolar disorder easier. R
Bipolar I disorder:The diagnosis ofbipolar I disorderrequires that the individual has at least onemanicepisode but does not require a history ofmajor depression. See also:Bipolar disorder. From Bipolar Disorder Resources What Are the Treatments for Bipolar Mania?
Identifying bipolar early can help children and teens be treated sooner; studies have found that early treatments tend to have a more beneficial impact. Let’s take a closer look at how bipolar appears in children and teens. Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens ...
The existence of bipolar disorder in adolescents is now clearly established. However, whether bipolarity exists in children is more controversial. We reviewed the literature on acute and prophylactic treatment of bipolar disorder in youths. The guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder in children...