Bipolar Disorder(BD) is a mental disorder which frequently requires long hospitalizations and need for acute psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to describe a nationwide perspective of BD related hospitalizations and to use a BigData based approach in mental health research. We performed a...
The ICD-9-CM includes 2 codes not present in the DSM-IV: 296.1 (manic disorder, recurrent episode) and 296.81 (atypical manic disorder). The code 296.89 includes bipolar II disorder in DSM-IV, whereas in ICD-9-CM, it refers to manic-depressive psychosis mixed type. Comorbidity was ...
19 We screened BPI disorder from multiple sources. However, the LTP may still be conservative. There were probably previously undiagnosed subjects who denied having had manic symptoms in the CIDI.19 Previous manic episodes among subjects with a major depressive episode may also be underdiagnosed in ...
The ability to classify patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is restricted by their heterogeneity, which limits the understanding of their neuropathology. Therefore, we aimed to investigate clinically discernible and neurobiologically distinguishable BD subtypes. T1-weighted and resting-state functional magnet...
Both subtypes impact daily functioning, with the severity of manic episodes distinguishing the two [1]. The average age of onset for bipolar I disorder is 18 years, while for bipolar II disorder, it is 20 years [2]. The prevalence of bipolar disorder is similar for both males and females...
The code 296.1 “Manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type” was not used as an indicator of BD because it had also been applied to unipolar depression. Other relevant clinical diagnoses were recorded according to the ICD-9 as follows: The file also provided information about the age of patient...
Diagnostic and therapeutic (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, and ATC) codes used in the current study for drawing records and fields from Healthcare Utilization databases; Table S3: Estimated values of clinical indicators for treated prevalent patients with bipolar disorder according to gender (and in the whole...
All the patients were diagnosed by four experienced senior psychiatrists using the International Classification of Diseases, version 11(ICD-11). And we included patients who were in a severe depressive episode of BD. Individuals with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia were excluded, The BD ...
Bipolar disorder is a chronic, disabling, and severe psychiatric disorder characterised by recurrent depressive episodes, manic or hypomanic episodes, somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, and functional impairment [1]. The clinical presentation of paediatric bipolar disorder is similar to that of adult ...
The genetics of bipolar disorder. Neuroscience 2009; 164: 331–343. 3. Judd LL, Akiskal HS, Schettler PJ, Coryell W, Maser J, Rice JA et al. The comparative clinical phenotype and long term longitudinal episode course of bipolar I and II: a clinical spectrum or distinct disorders? J ...