BIPOLAR disorderMUSICAL compositionCOMPOSERSPOPULAR music genresMUSICAL perceptionMUSICAL performanceBIBLIOGRAPHIC databasesMEDICAL literatureIntroduction: The intersection between bipolar disorders and creativity has been investigated in western literature. Although psychopathology has been proposed for...
Bipolar disorder can trigger bouts of extreme anger in Jin to the extent that he would go around smashing things in the house. Surprisingly, even during such frantic moments, he won't harm his computer -- for he understands its significance. Early this year, when Jin was undergoing treatment...
Topics include his experiences with bipolar disorder, which have required four separate hospitalizations, the July 2012 release of his long-play (LP) record "Gossamer," and his concert tour with his band Passion Pit. Also discussed are his planned October 2013 wedding to his fiancée Kristy and...