Did you know that research supports that connection between bipolar disorder and thyroid function? Also, exercise and sunlight help of course, but won't really cure anything. Maybe just temporarily help with some of the milder symptoms. Of course, some people will find that they need more ...
When I finally saw a competentpsychiatristnearly 30 years ago, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 20 minutes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t taught much about psychosis in my first few years of treatment and certainly wasn...
The. present study examined cognitive symptoms of patients of bipolar affective disorder current episode mania in terms of deficits in attention/concentration, executive functions, memory, visual processing and language. Thirty patients with bipolar affective disorder current episode mania diagnosed according...
Mills: So at what age do people tend to first experience symptoms of bipolar disorder? David, maybe you could answer that one. Miklowitz: Yeah, so that's been a topic of some debate in the last couple of decades. We used to think bipolar disorder didn't have onset till the early twe...
Many people with bipolar disorder experience severe anxiety and are very irritable (to the point of rage) when in a manic state, while others are euphoric and grandiose. The Depressive PhaseSigns and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include (but in no way are limited to):...
Background: The Child Behavior Checklist Juvenile Bipolar Disorder (CBCL-JBD) profile and Posttraumatic Stress Problems (CBCL-PTSP) scale have been used to assess juvenile bipolar disorder (JBD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), respectively. However, their validity is questionable according...
The presentation of bipolar disorder (BD) can sometimes be virtually indistinguishable from major depressive disorder (MDD/unipolar depression), especially in the initial presentation. Patients may present with a major depressive episode with little to no history of symptoms that may point toward mania...
Cyclothymic disorder is defined by numerous periods ofhypomaniaand mild depression lasting at least 1 year (2 years for adults). The patient is not without symptoms for more than 2 months at a time. Adolescents with cyclothymia often progress to BPD Type I or II. BPD NOS includes those pati...
Questions you may have about bipolar disorder What tests will the doctor use to make a bipolar diagnosis? Your doctor may have you fill out a mood questionnaire or checklist to help guide the clinical interview when they assess mood symptoms. In addition, your doctor may order blood and urine...
During bipolar mania, you may feel abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired. Bipolar mania symptoms also include an exaggerated sense of self-confidence & euphoria