Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which patients can experience periods of elevated mood and depressed mood.1A period of elevated mood is known as a ‘manic episode’, and a period of depressed mood is known as a ‘depressive episode’. Between such episodes, a patient’s mood may be...
The length and frequency of cycles among manic/hypomanic, depressive, ormixed episodesinbipolar disorderdiffer between patients. There may be only a few cycles over a lifetime, while the rapid-cycling forms result in more than four episodes per year. Only a few patients experience alterations be...
Thus, a high percentage of patients presenting a first depressive episode will later develop bipolar disorder. Several risk factors of bipolarity have been identified and might be detected during each depressive episode by using standardised evaluations and family interviews, if necessary. Among them, ...
If at any point during a minor depressive episode the subject met criteria for major depression, the entire episode was considered to be one of major depression. Hypomania was distinguished from partial remission of mania in a similar manner. Recurrence or onset of a new mood episode was ...
If you are struggling with a depressive episode and you feel you should talk to your employer about it, there are a few important things to consider. If video is not showing, click here Disclosure about Bipolar Depression I would like to discuss talking to your employer about bipolar depressio...
Navigate bipolar disorder intricacies, from manic to depressive states. Insights, treatments and research tailored for psychiatric professionals.
Bipolar 2 disorder is when you experience a pattern of hypomanic and major depressive episodes. Sometimes an episode with mixed features of both also occurs. Cyclothymic disorder is when the hypomanic and depressive episodes are not severe enough or are too short to meet the criteria for bipolar...
You can't know in advance that a manic or depressive episode won't cause you to be suicidal. It's just not predictable. However, I fully recognize resistance to taking meds, and there's a kind of grief involved. Being on meds for life really does mean transitions and dealing with side...
Review of the Evidence Base for Depressive Episode Treatments in Bipolar Disorder CMECalabrese, Joseph R
wheel running in mice is a strongly goal-directed behavior having a significant reward value [24,25]; thus, a reduction in wheel running is associated with “markedly diminished pleasure (anhedonia)”, a core symptom of a depressive episode [26]. In addition, we provided proof of concept tha...