Although a major depressive episode is not required for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, such episodes often alternate with manic episodes. Persistent sadness tends to occur more often than mania in many people with bipolar disorder. Characteristics of depressive episodes (bipolar depression) include ...
An episode of minor depression was distinguished from partial remission of major depression in that the symptoms of a minor depressive episode never rose to the level of major depression from onset to offset of the minor depressive episode. If at any point during a minor depressive episode the ...
On the other hand, the administration of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which functions on social cognition [75], has been demonstrated to result in a significant improvement in emotion and psychosocial functioning among pediatric BD patients experiencing a depressive episode [73]. According to the ...
They had suffered from bipolar II disorder for a mean duration of 9.4 years. Their current depressive episode must have lasted more than three months to be included in the study, and the mean duration was 2.5 years. All had failed at least two adequate pharmacologic tre...
Mixed episodes involve the simultaneous occurrence of depressive and manic symptoms. Patients with bipolar I disorder may also experience psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and paranoid delusions. The duration of the different mood episodes ranges from a few days to many months. View chapter ...
In addition, to ascertain the bipolar status of depressed patients with brief hypomanias, we included a comparison group of 178 major depressive disorder (MDD) patients assessed when depressed. 27–30% of hypomanias (depending on whether assessment occurred when patients were depressed or in ...
Bipolar I disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode without a major depressive episode. Manic episodes are the "high" of the manic-depressive cycle. A person experiencing a manic episode often has feelings of self-importance, elation, talkativeness, increased sociability, and a ...
A cross-diagnostic, post-hoc analysis of the BRIDGE-II-MIX study was performed to investigate how unipolar and bipolar patients suffering from an acute major depressive episode (MDE) cluster according to severity and duration. Duration of index episode, Clinical Global Impression-Bipolar Version-Depre...
Consecutively, 65 unipolar and 103 bipolar II major depressive episode (MDE) outpatients were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Almost all had had 2 to 3 days of hypomania, and all had had more than one hypomania. Typical clinical variables distinguishing bipolar ...
a relaxation of diagnostic criteria such that the minimum duration of hypomania is now less than the 4 days stipulated by DSM-IV, and a probing for a history of hypomania focused more on overactivity (increased goal-directed activity) than on mood change (although this is still required for...