Jin, Bipartite rainbow numbers of matchings, arXiv:math.CO/0610910, 30 Oct 2006.Li, X., Tu, J., Jin, Z.: Bipartite rainbow numbers of matchings. Discret. Math. 309(8):2575–2578 (2009) MATH View Article MathSciNetX. Li, J. Tu, and Z. Jin. Bipartite rainbow numbers of ...
A technique called graphical condensation is used to prove various combinatorial identities among numbers of (perfect) matchings of planar bipartite graphs... KUO,E - 《Theoretical Computer Science》 被引量: 196发表: 2004年 A new combinatorial identity for unicellular maps, via a direct bijective ...
RainbowsubgraphRainbownumberGiven two graphs G and H , let f ( G , H ) denote the maximum number c for which there is a way to color the edges of G with c colors such that every subgraph H of G has at least two edges of the same color. Equivalently, any edge-coloring of G ...
We also determine the rainbow numbers of matchings in paths and cycles.doi:10.1016/j.aml.2009.03.019Xueliang LiZhixia XuElsevier LtdApplied Mathematics LettersLi, Xueliang; and Xu, Zhixia (2009) "The rainbow number of matchings in regular bipartite graphs," Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 22 ...
Suppose that $k$ is a non-negative integer and a bipartite multigraph $G$ is the union of $$N=\\\left\\\lfloor \\\frac{k+2}{k+1}nightfloor -(k+1)$$ matchings $M_1,\\\dots,M_N$, each of size $n$. We show that $G$ has a rainbow matching of size $n-k$, i.e....
Z. Liu, "Rainbow Matchings in Prop- erly Colored Bipartite Graphs," Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012, pp. 62-64. doi:10.4236/ojdm.2012.22011G. T. Wang and G. Z. Liu, “Rainbow Matchings in Properly Colored Bipartite Graphs,” Open Journal of Discrete ...
rainbow subgraphsWe show the existence of rainbow perfect matchings in μn‐bounded edge colorings of Dirac bipartite graphs, for a sufficiently small μ > 0. As an application of our results, we obtain several results on the existence of rainbow k‐factors in Dirac graphs and rainbow spanning...
We show the existence of rainbow perfect matchings in mu n-bounded edge colorings of Dirac bipartite graphs, for a sufficiently small mu > 0. As an application of our results, we obtain several results on the existence of rainbow k-factors in Dirac graphs and rainbow spanning subgraphs of ...
Serra, Rainbow matchings in complete bipartite graphs: existence and counting, Combin. Probab. Comput. 22 (2013) 783-799. doi:10.1017/S096354831300028XG. Perarnau, O. Serra, Rainbow matchings in complete bipartite graphs: ex- istence and counting, Combin. Probab. Comput., 22(6) (2013), ...
先引进几个术语和记号. 给定集合S及其子集族={A_1,A_2,…,A_n}.对于S的子集R如果存在一一对应:R→{1,2,…,n),使得对于每个r∈R,r∈A_((r)),则称R为的不同代表系.类似地,定义的部分不同代表系R',如果R'是部分子集族的不同代表系.CAI MAOCHENG蔡茂诚系统科学与数学...