Over the years I have found that, while many care givers are 'familiar' with CPAP and BiPAP -- including those who prescribe the modalities -- they are often unsure about several issues, including: What is the difference between CPAP and BiPAP? When do you use one vs. the other? How d...
(P>0.05).In conclusion,after INSURE,the reintubation rate of infants within 72 h of age was comparable between the BiPAP group and the CPAP group.BiPAP was superior to CPAP in terms of shorter durations(days)on PAP support and oxygen supplementation.There were no differences in the incidence...
目的观察经鼻持续气道正压通气(nCPAP)和鼻式双水平正压通气(nBiPAP)应用于新生儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)早产儿撤机后呼吸支持的效果。 方法随机将2017年1月至2020年1月本院有创呼吸机通气59例NRDS患儿分为对照组31例和试验组28例。撤离有创呼吸机后,对照组采用nCPAP治疗,试验组采用nBiPAP治疗。比较两组撤机后...
In postextubation respiratory failure after open heart or my [7/126 (5.6%) versus 10/128 (7.8%); p = thoracic surgeries early treatment is mandatory 0.192], and these were not found to be statisti- as patients with normal lung functions devel- cally different between groups (p > 0.05)....
(P>0.05).In conclusion,after INSURE,the reintubation rate of infants within 72 h of age was comparable between the BiPAP group and the CPAP group.BiPAP was superior to CPAP in terms of shorter durations(days)on PAP support and oxygen supplementation.There were no differences in the incidence...
Rong, Zhi-Hui,Li,etc.Nasal bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) versus nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in preterm infants 32weeks: A retrospective cohort study[J].2016,52(5).Nasal bi-level positive airway pressure(Bi PAP)versus nasal continuous positive airway pressure(...
Of the 284 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of OSA, 144 were CPAP/BiPAP dependent. Statistically significant differences were present in age distribution and gender, with men having greater CPAP/BiPAP dependency. No significant differences were found in body mass index, length of stay, pulmonary...
Evaluation of biphasic positive airway pressure [BIPAP] versus control mode, SIMV and CPAP in post anesthetic patients receiving elective post-operative ventilationContext: Prolonged mechanical ventilation and intensive care unit (ICU) stay increases morbidity and mortality.Objective: To evaluate the ...