Revolutionizing Neurorehabilitation for Stroke Patients The BioXtreme solution uses the body’s natural physical adaptive reactions without the need to rely on cognition,during our completely reimagined therapy sessions. Our methodology shortens recovery time from stroke for upper limbs and dramatically improv...
发货地 上海 商品类型 化工能源 、 润滑剂 、 工业润滑油 商品关键词 lubriplate威氏、 Bio、 SynxtremeHF、 32、 高性能液压油、 特种润滑剂、 Lubpur超润 商品图片 商品参数 倾点: -36 品牌: lubriplate 比重: 0.85 特性: 耐摩擦 存储条件: 阴凉干燥 40℃运动粘度: 100cSt 是否进口:...
The LUBRIPLATE BIO-SYNXTREME HF Series are high performance hydraulic fluids designed for demanding industrial and marine (Vessel General Permit) applications requiring environmental sensitivity, water solubility, fire resistance, and excellent anti-wear properties over wide temperature ranges. These Polyalkyle...