我们正在利用创新的合成生物学技术,按需合成DNA,将基因合成组合的工作周期从几周、几个月缩短到几天、几小时。 基因打印机BioXp™ 3250 system荣获美国《The Scientist》十大创新产品 世界上第一个也是唯一一个用于构建长片段、克隆和文库的自动化平台 技术参数 • 高通量:每次运行可达32通道 • 合成基因的长度:...
Building on the success of the revolutionary BioXp™ 3200 system — the world’s first and only commercially available push-button automated platform for on-demand DNA assembly and amplification — the BioXp™ 3250 system enables labs to automate the synthesis of clones, gene fragments, and gen...
1. 由CODEX DNA独立研发的BioXp™ 3250系统是DNA和mRNA定制合成革命性的开端,合成DNA和mRNA长度为1800bp,是合成片段、克隆、合成mRNA和建库的自动化平台。 2. BioXp™ 3250 System荣获美国《The Scientist 》杂志十大创新产品。 3. CODEX DNA与 Drug Discovery News 一起举办监测和缓解 SARS-CoV-2变体免疫逃逸...
Take Control of Your Gene Construction Projects with the BioXP™ 3200 SystemJulie RobinsonPlant & Animal Genome
BioXp •Double Stranded DNA •Custom Clones •Libraries N e w S e r v i c e Interested? Please Contact:https://medicine.yale.edu/keck/oligo/https://sgidna.com/bxp3200.html Custom clones at your fingertips:Custom synthesis and clone construction ...
DNA assembly and cloning in an overnight run with the BioXp[trade] 3200 systemAdvertising Feature: Application Notedoi:10.1038/nmeth.f.390Claudia H AlvarezNature Publishing GroupNature Methods