Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park, USA, serves as a natural laboratory for tracking how the dynamic interplay of physical, chemical and biological factors come together to form hot-spring limestone (called 'travertine'). Systematic downstream correlations occur at Mammoth Hot Springs ...
In this lesson, we'll be learning about the Yellowstone ecosystem that surrounds Yellowstone National Park. We'll explore what the biotic...
Understanding how animal populations respond to environmental factors is critical because large-scale environmental processes (e.g., habitat fragmentation, climate change) are impacting ecosystems at unprecedented rates. On an overgrazed floodplain in north-western Australia, a native rodent (Pale Field R...
was recovered after 50 yr in Yellowstone National Park [13]. The recovery of SOC is Tree growth declines with time as nutrient availability decreases but the system may continue to accumulate due to slow decomposition rates [21]. In two completely different systems (Yellowstone National Park and...