Austrianova and San Raffaele University & Research Hospital, Milan, Italy have just announced the initiation of a Joint Development Programme with the aim of creating a treatment to prevent the progression of multiple myeloma to full blown disease by manipulating the microbiome. The group of Dr. M...
The U.S. FDA released a final rule to regulate laboratory developed tests (LDTs) on May 6, 2024, making it clear… How tailored qPCR assays can unlock microbiome and precision medicine potential Sponsored by Diversigen, Inc. Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) — also known as real...
The U.S. FDA released a final rule to regulate laboratory developed tests (LDTs) on May 6, 2024, making it clear… How tailored qPCR assays can unlock microbiome and precision medicine potential Sponsored by Diversigen, Inc. Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) — also known as real...
Seres Therapeuticsis a microbiome therapeutics company developing a novel class of multifunctional bacterial consortia that are designed to functionally interact with host cells and tissues to treat disease. Seres’ SER-109 program achieved “the first-ever positive pivotal clinical results for a targeted...
November 2 - Seres Therapeutics:After securing the first-ever approval for an oral microbiome therapy in April, Seres is restructuring, sending 41% of staff packing. The workforce reduction, which will impact about 160 people, will take place across the organization.Story ...
and love the mix of strategic and operational work that comes with medical affairs projects. Thanks to my clinical and research background, I am well-equipped to take complex scientific and medical concepts and synthesize them into coherent, well-organized reports, presentations, journal articles, ...
microbiome, Microfuidics, Micronutrients, Microvesicle, Molecular Genetics & Pharmaceutical, Mutant Gene Expression, Myocardial adenine nucleotide metabolism, Myocardial Ischemia, Myocardial Metabolism, Myocardial metabolism, Myocardial ischemia, myocardial perfusion, Myocardial adenine nucleotide metabolism, Na-K tr...
Finally, some patients in clinical practice may actually respond better than expected to a particular intervention – perhaps because of an intrinsic characteristic (involving their genetics or their microbiome, for example), or perhaps because of something subtle a particular physician or care provider...
In the past few years alone, advances in precision medicine, the development of new treatments for hepatitis C, and discoveries about the microbiome have only been possible due to the ingenuity of scientists at New York-based institutions. At Columbia University — New York's top-contributing ins...
Even so, Kock and others are always on the lookout for potential employees from farther afield, particularly for specialised positions. The bridge itself is a selling point: new members of the company in the greater Öresund region can choose to live in downtown Copenhagen, with its ...