Prediction of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters of five Trichoderma species (A) and analysis of amino acid composition of NRPS (B). 2.2 Peptaibols的合成基因簇NRPSs分类和进化 木霉菌中与抗菌肽合成相关NRPS和PKS-NRPS杂合酶主要分为3类(图1B),第I类(Type I)NRPS蛋白来源于木霉菌中最大...
Figure 1The screening of differentially expressed genes in leaves of apple treated by MeJA (A) Gene expression level. X-axis represents log10(gene expression level of CTRL1), Y-axis represents log10(gene expression level of MeJA) (The orange triangle represents up-regulated genes, the blue bl...